BROMSGROVE is to hitch a 'piggy back' on near neighbour Dudley to speed up the purchase of three special refuse freighters.

The vehicles will be used by Bromsgrove District Council to collect general and green waste from roads within the district which are too narrow for the current fleet to use.

The trucks will also be used to collect refuse from residents in flats, and householders who have been given dispensations and who will continue to use a 'black bag' service.

The authority recently learned Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council was about to place an order with suppliers for the same vehicles, and has asked if Bromsgrove's order can be included to save time and money on the tendering process and on having to hire vehicles in the meantime.

The decision to 'hitch a lift' was taken by members of the district council's executive cabinet last Wednesday.

After deciding to set aside its usual tendering process, chief executive Sue Nixon was asked by the cabinet to write to Dudley seeking its co-operation as the order is about to be submitted.

Councillor Brian Fuller (Con-Hillside), cabinet member responsible for environmental issues, said the vehicles they wish to purchase, for an undisclosed sum, are smaller and load from the rear.

He said it was always known additional vehicles would be required to strengthen the existing fleet.

However, it is not until now, with the eighth and final recycling round about to be rolled out, that the council knows its final needs.

"Part of the Government's current policy is to encourage partnership working between authorities and this is a good example of that happening," added Cllr Fuller.

Opposition leader Cllr Geoff Denaro (Wythall Ratepayers-Drakes Cross and Walkers Heath) said: "I am more than happy for the council to explore all avenues to save money."
