REDDITCH police have welcomed a jail sentence and five-year Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO) imposed on a tearaway teenager at Redditch Magistrates Court last Tuesday.

Martin Alan Masters, aged 18, of Sycamore Avenue, Southcrest, was sentenced to six months jail for assaulting a police officer, a racially aggravated public order offence and taking a vehicle without consent.

On September 10, he shouted racial abuse at someone in the YMCA car park, Church Hill.

On September 23, he took a car without consent, crashed it into a wall in Dagnell End Road and ran away.

On December 11 on Unicorn Hill, Masters kicked a police officer while being arrested.

Sgt Terry Shutt said: "We're pleased with the court's decision to impose both a prison sentence and an ASBO on Masters and feel it will go some way to reassuring both local communities and people living further afield, as the behaviour order will apply throughout England and Wales.

"It also sends out a clear message to other young offenders that this sort of antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated and that both the police and the courts will take action and use the powers available to them."

Sgt Shutt added: "If on his release Masters does break the conditions of this ASBO order, he will be liable to a further imprisonment, a fine or both."

The ASBO means Masters has been banned from swearing in public, using any racist comments or behaving in a racist manner at any time and in any place.

He is not allowed to use any threatening or abusive words or behaviour in public or behave in an aggressive, threatening or violent manner.

This order will remain in place until 2010.