MEMBERS of Lickey Hill Arts Society have a jam-packed year ahead of them with monthly meetings at the parish hall, on Rose Hill, from 7.30pm.

The meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month, while subscriptions are £10 for individuals or £15 for a family. Guests at the meetings pay just £2.

Here is a list of what is coming up:

l February 5 - Valerie Briggs - demonstration animals in pastel

l March 5 - Josephine Morgan - demonstration Chinese brush painting

l April 2 - to be announced

l May 7 - Lyn Bailey - demonstration unusual tips and techniques

l June 4 - members' own workshop

l July 2 - Bob Ebdon - demonstration pencil crayon techniques

l August 6 - Ian Cruickshank - demonstration coastal scenery in watercolour

l September 3 - Louise Millane - demonstration still life in acrylic

l October 3 - Terry Harrison - demonstration watercolour landscapes

l November 12 and 13 - annual exhibition

l December 10 - annual general meeting, bring and buy sale and festive supper.