A DROITWICH Spa childcare and adult drop-in centre is launching a number of new services to increase its contact with the community.

Kate Jones, temporary programme manager at WANDS, on the Westlands estate, said the centre would soon be sending out a regular newsletter to homes in the catchment area.

The newsletter will inform townsfolk of all that is available to them at the WANDS centre, in Farmers Way.

There are also plans to distribute leaflets to households to explain the services and introduce residents to the centre's staff.

Kate, who has worked at the centre since last October, told the Westlands Forum meeting she was impressed by the amount of activities that were on offer.

She was guest speaker at the meeting held at the Westlands Community Hall last Monday.

"We do a lot with a lot less money than some other Sure Start centres," she said.

The centre, which has just celebrated its first birthday, offers a host of courses including healthy eating, safety in the home and anger management.

There are also regular visits from the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Westlands neighbourhood warden and the job centre.

It is predominantly for families with children under the age of five, living on the Westlands or Chawson estates.

Kate said she was keen to entice more men into using the centre and a new session for young dads will run every Wednesday between 3 and 5pm.

For further details, call the centre on 01905 827391.