My comments on shops (Chronicle, January 19) have been taken by some as an attack on the whole of Alcester and its people.

I spoke of the High Street as being the heart of the town, meaning if shops are not supported the centre or heart could die - thus continuing the "use them or lose them" theme Fine and Fancy brought to press attention last Christmas with their excellent "support your local shops" campaign..

The one thing Alcester has in abundance is heart! - bustling with societies, associations and clubs in numbers other towns envy, Alcester in Bloom a winning example of community co-operation and the hugely successful St Nicholas Night had Alcester out in force.

The older residents of Alcester are the most friendly and loyal of shoppers.

But we mustn't be complacent to the need to attract future shoppers. Sadly several shops have ceased trading - both Shannara clothes shops; the town hall wool shop; Cotton On in Swan Street; both Art Nouveau and Whitehouse Video Productions left the High Street; the garden/ kitchenware/paint/DIY sections closed at Alcester Locks. Despite being up for sale Alcester Electrical closed after 50 years in the town, H&R Electronics (Tony Hassall TV and video repairs) followed, then Alcester Photographic and now the relocation of Contemporary Classics leaves another shop vacant.

Yes, new shops have opened in their place but only when things we take for granted are gone do we realise what we've lost...choice and variety. That was the point of my interview.

The High Street is the life blood and heart of Alcester. Let's realise that and shop to keep it that way.

I trust you will print this letter to correct the misdirection and set the record straight.

Nigel Curtis,

Station Road,
