GARDEN CLUB: The first meeting of 2005 took place on Thursday, January 27 at 7.30pm in Wulstan Hall at which Mr George Featonby took the chair.

Betty Loach informed members of two trips she has organised, one on April 20 to Mrs Shacklock's Cotswold garden and the other to Lydney Spring Gardens on June 15.

The speaker, Barbara Drake was welcomed and gave an illustrated talk on Plants with Winter Colour and Interest, many of which members had incorporated in their competition entries of a vase of winter colour. This attracted many entries and was won by June Warner, second Anne Sheppard and third Mary Giles.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, February 24 at 7.30pm in Wulstan Hall when the speaker will be Andy Pedrick Compost - A Practical Lecture and the competition - a container of home-made compost. Visitors welcome.

ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION: Invites all members to attend the AGM on February 16 at Pershore Working Men's Club. Any tenant who would like to become a member may do so on the night, 7.45pm for 8pm start. Now will be the time to have your say so please come along and give your support.