I FEEL I must write on the statements made in your letters columns by Pauline Grainger, of Bewdley, relating to Dr Richard Taylor and her claim that he is not a single-issue MP.

I moved to Bewdley in 1999 and he has never explained his thoughts on matters, other than health, that I want answering as a voter in Bewdley for the next election.

Education - what's his view? Taxation and the hidden taxes that are massive under this Labour Government - does he support them? Council tax going up every year - what's the doctor's view and what has he done to stop them from going up or change the policy?

I voted Health Concern at the last general and county elections and feel very let down. I respect Mrs Grainger's view, but the facts show that Dr Taylor and his colleagues have done nothing to address the bigger picture affecting my family and me.


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