I FEEL that the closure of sub-post offices is nothing short of ridiculous, taking into account the number of offices and the total population of the town of Stourport and district.

Only three offices will be left in business. They are: one village post office at Wilden with roughly 3,000 transactions; one at Areley Kings with roughly 6,000 to 6,500 transactions, and the central office at the Co-op in Lombard Street with the terrific number of 30,000 plus transactions which will, therefore, mean that for a lot of the opening hours there will be large queues waiting impatiently to get their business transacted.

At present one can expect to wait, as I have, for up to 30 minutes on pension days, and the end of each month when vehicle licences have to be issued.

I think the situation is horrendous.

At the very least the Calder Road office should not be closed, but relocated, so that the load be carried more easily with greater consideration of the users of this vital service.


Park Crescent, Stourport