I AM one of the residents of Cairndhu Drive, Kidderminster, who has objected to every single application by Vodafone to erect a mast at Greenhill industrial estate.

On my return from the Christmas break I read that permission has been granted. Further investigations reveal that Conservative, Labour and Health Concern all voted in favour of the mast. I would imagine that none of these councillors live in either Cairndhu Drive or the residential area on the opposite side of Greenhill industrial estate.

Just how does the council justify granting permission for this mast?

Professor Sir William Stewart, the Government-appointed person to investigate the effects of mobile telephones on human tissue, has just recommended in his report that residents' views should be more carefully taken into account when considering the location of masts.

I am yet to speak to a single resident of Greenhill who is in favour of the installation.

The council are supposed to represent the will of the people. They are elected by us so should represent our views correctly.

Apparently, masts cannot be turned down on health grounds alone, which is my primary concern.

By the government's own admission, the evidence they have is, thus far, inconclusive.

Shouldn't they be erring on the side of caution rather than taking risks with other people's health?


Cairndhu Drive
