FANS of the television comedy 'Allo 'Allo are in for a treat later this month when the stage version will be performed in Cleobury Mortimer.

The play featuring Ren, Herr Flick and Captain Bertorelli - to name but a few of the hilarious characters - is being performed by the Cleobury Players at Lacon Childe School Hall from Wednesday, February 16, until Saturday, February 19.

Director Mavis Cartwright, who has been in amateur theatre for the last 40 years, said: "It's extremely funny. We've been laughing all the way through rehearsals."

She added: "It's set in Ren's caf and shows all the fun that goes on between the French, German and Italians during the Second World War and is about the French resistance.

"We've got Ren and everything going on in the caf and then we've got the German officers, Italian officers and the Gestapo coming in and out ... and I think one of the things that will come out of it is the phrase of Captain Bertorelli 'What a mistaka to makea'."

She added the company were hoping tickets would sell well after their performance of The Darling Buds of May, directed by her husband Tom, during last year's Cleobury Festival, boasted full houses every night.

"We had some wonderful accolades as well so we need to keep up the good world because we've set ourselves a precedent," Mrs Cartwright added, laughing: "As Captain Bertorelli says what a mistaka to makea if you miss it."

Tickets for the show, which starts at 7.30pm, are on sale at Cleobury News, Lydia's Tea Room or Walker's Chemist. They can also be obtained by calling Mrs Cartwright on 01299 271751.