AT the family service at St James' Church, Staunton on Sunday, February 6, at 10.30am, Canon John Evans will bless the new noticeboard, which is now in full use. The money was raised for the project by the Get Together coffee morning for Staunton Church, which is held monthly with the next on Wednesday, February 9, at 10.30am-noon in the lounge at Johnstone Close. There is a bring and buy and raffle and it is always a very jolly occasion. Everyone is welcome.

Led by Brian Claessen, a good gathering of members of Staunton and District Rambling Club met at Tewkesbury and began their walk over common land behind the abbey before crossing the A38 and then over part of the battlefield grounds. Then onto the footpath leading to the golf course and walking outside the perimeter before reaching the River Severn and walking alongside the river and back to the A38 and the Bowls Club. Brian had been ably assisted by Andre Woodhead. Arriving at their destination, Jo Claessen entertained the Ramblers with delicious refreshments. It was an afternoon enjoyed by all and president, David Redmond, conveyed thanks on behalf of members to Jo for the superb refreshments.

Staunton and District WI meet on Wednesday, February 9, when the speaker will be Peter Barry, his subject having the intriguing title And the Wife came too. You are invited to come along and enjoy an interesting and friendly evening, of course if you would like to join you would be most welcome. The meeting starts at 7pm and is held in the lounge at Johnstone Close flats, Staunton.