Visitors to the childrens' playground in the past few days will have noticed a new feature - a charming little igloo of woven willow twigs. It is, in fact, a living willow dome, based on a framework of slips which will in due course take root and should by the summer cover the structure with growing leaves - an exciting 'den' for the little ones!

The project was carried out by teenagers with special needs, to the design and under the supervision of Lower Montpelier Road resident Dave Jackson, who specialises in coppice crafts.

Tonight (Friday) and tomorrow night at the Village Hall will see the performances of Daisy Pulls It Off by the revived West Malvern Players. The show starts at 7.30pm each night, with tickets (£4, £2 concs) available on the door. Appetites should have been whetted by the picture of the cast in last week's Gazette! So come along and support our village thespians!

This Sunday, Malvern College Chamber Choir will be taking part in the service of evensong at St James's Church at 6.30 pm. The preacher will be the Reverend Nicholas Menon. Everyone will be most welcome.