THERE'S a new disease stalking our lanes and streets and I've got it!

It's irritation with the spread of pointless and redundant white lines and road signs across the countryside.

A new outbreak has just appeared at the junction of the B4211 at Tunnel Hill in Upton-upon-Severn.

Not satisfied with erecting a two pole sign on the nearby verge with a blank metal top, which has never had any sign on it, we've now got hatched areas on the corner of the junction.

These hatched areas are actually dangerous - good examples are the junction of the Upton-Pershore road and the A38 and the Upton turn at the Cross House roundabout in Powick.

These road markings deflect traffic turning left into the middle of the road, so drivers waiting to come off the minor road can't be sure who is turning left. This causes accidents.

Leaving aside the safety argument, how much does this street litter cost? If you ask local councillors they say 'not me guv, it's the county or the Department of Transport'.

When local government is apparently too cash-strapped to care for the sick and elderly, it's amazing they can spend so much on alleged traffic calming, speed cameras, traffic lights and acres of road paint, all of which has to be cleaned and maintained.

With elections in the air, candidates should find out how much all this traffic welfare really costs - someone might ask them!

ANTHONY HOPWOOD, Holdfast, Upton-upon-Severn.