CREATIVE people in a Worcestershire town are set to celebrate the spring by going green.

The Malvern May Day festival gets under way tomorrow and hundreds of people are expected to throng the streets wearing costumes made from a host of recycled materials.

The theme of this year's event, organised by Malvern Fringe Arts, is recycling and the cycle of life. Malcolm Victory, director and treasurer of the arts group, said May Day, which has pagan origins, is closely linked with the cycle of life which is in turn connected to recycling. He said: "With everybody becoming more aware of the damage we do through our ignorance, it seemed like an ideal theme."

The bulk of events are taking place in the town's Priory Park. Visitors will be entertained by storytellers and bards and there will also be a bouncy castle, a cinema tent and live music throughout the day. There are eight bands playing from sophisticated progressive rock to folk music.

The central event is the grand parade through the streets of Malvern.

Mr Victory said: "It is an opportunity for the people of Malvernto take charge of their town.

"The weather is hopefully going to be fantastic and we're expected between 1,500 and 2,000 people to pass through."

The May Day festivities will be followed by the Elgar Fringe Festival, taking place in June, when residents will celebrate the world-famous composer with an array of activities.

For more information on Malvern May Day visit