MUMS at Worcestershire Royal Hospital are due to receive a little ''Red Book'' shortly after the birth of their baby.

The A5 book will already have details of the baby's birth, tests recorded and other vital information.

The Red Book or Child Health Record had been given to parents in the past on the first home visit by the community midwives or health visitors, which meant that helpful and possibly important information relating to the birth was not always available.

This new initiative between Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and South Worcestershire PCT will support the health care of children - particularly those who experience problems at birth or in the first few days.

Chris Poyzer, senior midwife at the Royal, said the Red Book would provide a complete record of the progress of children from birth to five-years-old.

"It will provide an improved hand over of care between hospital and community professionals, which is better for baby and mum."