WITH reference to your front page article headlined "No smoking within 50ft of the Royal" (Tuesday, February 1) I would like to say what a wonderful objective.

Marvellous - let's move all the smokers from under the canopy of Worcestershire Royal Hospital 15 metres away to the car park.

I cannot believe that the NHS Trust could not come up with a better subterfuge plan. We are, after all, referring to the outside of the hospital. Obviously, the state of cleanliness on the inside of the hospital is beyond the Trust's control, not to mention the poor morale of nursing staff.

As usual the poor smokers take the wrap. Having a family member in hospital can be a very stressful and emotional time. So for goodness sake, if smoking helps, then whatever happened to live and let live?

Oh yes, it looks a bit unseemly with smokers under the canopy at the entrance of the hospital in the fresh air but no one is forcing anyone to breath their smoke.

Can anyone else spot the injustice here?

JANE WOOD (non-smoker),
