THE chairman of Worcestershire County Council donned his dressing gown and swapped his shoes for slippers to help launch the St Richard's Hospice PJ Day taking place next month.

Coun Derek Prodger wore his pyjamas to work yesterday (left) to encourage the 1,000-strong work force at County Hall in Spetchley to join in the charity fun day on Friday, March 4.

Employees and pupils across the county are being asked to wear their pyjamas - or at the very least a dressing gown over their clothes or a pair of slippers - and make a donation to St Richard's which is trying to raise £5.25m for a new state-of-the-art hospice.

Councillor Prodger said he is a long-standing supporter of St Richard's Hospice and all the work they do caring for patients and families living with life-threatening illness.

"This event is a great way for people to give something back to a much-needed service in the community which relies on donations," he added.

"I would love to see hundreds of people joining in PJ Day - if I can do it, anyone can."

Tricia Cavell, St Richard's Hospice fund-raising manager, said it was marvellous that Coun Prodger was leading the way in the dress down day with a difference.

"It's a great way to have fun and raise cash for St Richard's at the same time," she said.

Around 300 participants are already signed up to take part and many more are expected.

The hospice fund-raising team has lots of PJ Day ideas so to find out more or to register call 01905 763963 or e-mail