I WONDER if readers could help? I am carrying out academic research into the survival rate of prefabricated timber houses from the late Victorian period (1890s)up until 1939.

These charming houses are rapidly disappearing and need to be recognised for their historical value.

The technology resulting from the Industrial Revolution enabled mechanisation to produce these prefabricated timber houses cheaply and the (then), extensive railway system to transport the components around the country.

They had further advantages in that unskilled labour could speedily erect them, particularly important after the First World War.

Most houses, though not all, were single storey. They were built for a variety of reasons; holiday homes, affordable housing, estate and agricultural workers accommodation, and some, in the 1920's under the Homes Fit For Heroes scheme. Boulton& Paul Ltd. of Norwich and Harrison Smith Ltd., of Birmingham were two well known manufacturers.

I would be most grateful for any information; locations; plans, photographs; present condition, any history.

Some of these houses are now over 100 years old, far exceeding their original life expectancy and can teach us a lot.

Elizabeth MacDonald

7 The Stables

Ossemsley Manor


BH23 7EE