SAMBOURNE villagers want urgent action to curb speeding though the village and drivers using it as a rat-run.

Parish council chairman Dr Chris Clews said there was deep concern about the recent increase in traffic through the village and he wants villagers to join forces to tackle the problem.

He said the amount of traffic and speeding drivers had increased markedly in the last two years and the parish council had been lobbying Warwickshire County Council for action - but to no avail.

He now wants villagers to conduct their own traffic survey which he said might prompt the county council or police into action, hopefully introducing speed cameras or flashing warning signs.

He would also like to see the speed limit reduced from 40mph to 30mph or even lower in some parts of the village.

Dr Clews said: "I would say we get at least one car a day doing at least 70mph though the village and many others easily exceeding 40mph.

"The other problem is the volume of traffic, much of which has appeared over the last 18 months or two years since speed cameras on the A435 were introduced.

"We have very few footpaths in the village and people walk along the road. This is clearly an accident waiting to happen."

Dr Clews invited members of the public to attend the next parish council meeting at 7.45pm on Monday, March 7, at the church hall in Sambourne Lane to discuss what can be done and find volunteers to help conduct a traffic survey.