HAVING read the latest Labour newsletter, I was pleased to see that with the help of our committed Labour councillors and the backing of their party the local police have managed to make Rubery recreation area (park to you and me) an alcohol free zone.

Hoorah I hear you say, but think about it.

The police - in their great wisdom - working alongside the Labour do-gooders, have increased the problem by driving the problem youths away from the park and into other areas where they drink under-age, smoke the 'wacky-baccy', make a terrible noise and damage personal property.

Now anyone with half a brain would keep them in Rubery park where there are CCTV cameras monitoring them, not a huge amount of residential houses and the police station is next door.

But instead of dealing with the problem at hand the bureaucrats in charge simply move the problem away from the centre of the village and therefore the limelight, and in a typically 'New Labour' tactic sweep the problem under the carpet.

The police have also chosen the latest Labour newsletter to announce that new laws have been implemented in order to 'disperse' these teenagers who drink and cause a nuisance in the streets.

This new method for dealing with these kids is okay in one sense but completely unworkable in another. If we disperse one large group of teenagers they split into several smaller groups and go elsewhere.

Wake up Labour, you are doing an appalling job, never mind the speed bumps and traffic calming measures, lets get these kids off the streets altogether.

Surely we should start with the morons that are selling them the booze in the first place, before someone takes the law into their own hands defending their liberty or property !

Mr E Keogh
