Our February meeting was an illustrated talk by one of our long standing members, Colin Scrivener.

It was entitled Margaret, Sheila and Hazel.

He took us on a journey through his canal boating life starting with a holiday on a horse drawn hostel boat, Margaret, where he met his wife to be, Sheila.

This was no ordinary holiday, the boat was without gas or electricity and holiday makers had to wash in canal water.

It was a very informative and interesting talk about canals in the 1950s when working boats were still carrying goods from factory to factory. Mr Scrivener married Sheila and they spent many years living abroad the 1904 converted boat, Hazel. This boat is now owned by The Wooden Canal Boat Society and is to be rebuilt to its original design of a horse drawn butty. (A butty is a boat without an engine).

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, March 1 at 8pm at The Boat and Railway, in Stoke Works, Bromsgrove. It will be an illustrated talk on The Elan Valley, given by Ken Godfrey.

Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or join the society will be made very welcome.

For more information, visit our website, www.wbc.org.uk