NEW flat fares on buses have been introduced by operator First in Redditch.

The changes follow the introduction of a £2.5 million fleet of buses to the town and have been introduced to simplify matters for passengers, said a company spokesman.

The price of a FirstDay ticket has been cut from £2.50 to £1.50 and a £1 standard fare has been introduced, replacing all local single and return fares previously offered.

FirstWeek tickets have also been frozen at £6.90.

Company spokesman Dawid Maciejewski said: "We have successfully introduced flat fares elsewhere within the company and the main benefits are public perception, simplicity and cost benefits to our customers.

"It is user friendly for our customers and starting at this low introductory rate of just £1 per journey, brings access to our services within everyone's reach.

"Full colour leaflets have been produced promoting the special fares and will be distributed across the area."

Children will pay 70p flat rate or £1 for a day ticket.