A FANFARE for solo French horn will be played for the first and last time at a Rotary Club ladies' night in Pershore this month.

Composer Gordon-Hartley Bennett (pictured) wrote the 100-note fanfare, which lasts about half a minute, especially for the Rotary Centenary dinner on Wednesday, February 23.

The former deputy head of Worcestershire's instrumental music service and founder of Perscoran Brass said the fanfare was "a slight thing" that he composed for fun.

"It is the precise anniversary of the founding of Rotary, so I made sure it was 100 notes long," he said.

"It is to be played as the Rotary anniversary cake is cut towards the end of the evening - a combination farewell and premiere."

n Picture by Emma Attwood. 08643404

embers and guests will be invited to gamble on the length of the fanfare by buying a tombola ticket.

Times shown on the tickets will be measured to the nearest hundredth of a second and the one closest to the length of the fanfare, precisely timed on the night, will be the winner.

The prize will be a bottle of champagne.