WITHIN the first ten minutes Upton Seconds, playing into the wind, took the advantage with their free running and free scoring backs to prise open the Stourport back-line for Ali Strachan to set up Matt Stone to score in the corner.


Next there followed a period of concerted pressure from the sizable home pack, Upton defending with a new found strength and discipline for long periods at a time, releasing pressure with long kicks down wind.

Drives from the irrepressible Adam Breakwell, Andy Daniell, Dave Hill and the monumental Rich Stryker almost secured further points for Upton but were repelled by the desperate Stourport full-back, who had an excellent all round game.

With the last move of the first half Stouport scored to level at 5-5.

Second half was really more of the same, Upton having to rearrange following injury, but this time indiscipline cost them dear as a quick tap was taken with Upton not focusing fully, allowing the Stourport prop to go over in the corner.

Upton had their chances to score but again the full-back covered effectively, and finally the pressure at the end of the game told and the Stourport winger sealed the win with 10 minutes to go.