THE old Christian view of this country was that children are born sinful and are morally accountable for their actions.

Then, around 30 years ago, we sold out to the trendy liberals who thought that children are born naturally good, but not morally accountable, and are only "bad" because of things outside of themselves.

In other words, improve diet, education, environment and so on, and you will have good children.

Thirty years of relentless effort has only produced two or three generations of people that think it is all right to lie, cheat, be unfaithful, and do what ever they can to "get ahead".

Rather than children becoming more "good", huge numbers now take drugs and sleep around. Bullying, self-harm, anorexia and depression have all reached epidemic proportions.

Isn't it about time we rejected these "liberal" values as harmful and cruel to children and the whole of society?

