SPRING in Worcestershire can be a treat for the senses. Blossom trails are coming into flower and offer motorists and their passengers the chance of an enjoyable leisure drive in the surrounding countryside.

However, on recent journeys around Droitwich another feature of the hedgerows has come to my notice, which has distracted my attention from the beauty of the blossoming trees.

This is the increasing eyesore of tree-hung plastic carrier bags.

On the way to the hospital from Droitwich this morning I counted twenty-seven!

Please dispose of carrier bags carefully. Yes, re-use them as bin-liners. Better still refuse plastic carrier bags and carry your own re-usable bag. Some stores offer 'bags for life' which can be used weekly instead of collecting these non-degradable items.

If the tree-hung bags are not removed they will pollute our countryside for years to come as well.

Let 'blossom not bags' be Worcestershire's spring-time motto!

Mrs Paula Hunt

The Oaklands

Droitwich Spa