CANCER Research UK has paid tribute to Redditch cancer survivor Gail Perrins by dedicating a bench in her favourite beauty spot at Ragley Hall.

In a twist on usual plaque dedications, this reads: "Gail Perrins loved sitting here - and still does thanks to cancer research".

The 45-year-old mother of two is looking forward to a bright future, despite twice being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Cancer Research UK has arranged for her to have a bench named after her at Ragley Hall, where she works as a wedding co-ordinator.

This tribute comes at the launch of Cancer Research UK's new "Being Here" campaign.

TV, radio and poster adverts tell cancer survivors' personal stories to highlight advances in cancer research, with the statement "I shouldn't be here".

Mrs Perrins' bench is one of a number being dedicated by the charity to cancer survivors across the country.

She was first diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 29 and underwent surgery to remove the lump in her breast, followed by a course of radiotherapy.

Regular follow-up screening showed she was all clear until 10 years later, when a routine mammogram revealed the cancer had returned.

This time, Mrs Perrins underwent a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery the same day.

She said: "I think the idea of dedicating benches to cancer survivors is lovely - I was determined to survive to see my children grow up and am grateful treatment was available to help that happen.

"Cancer affects so many lives, I hope this campaign is successful and helps more people diagnosed with the disease 'be here' in the future."