Cookhill Keyboard Club is proud to announce its patron, Penny Weedon, one of the country's leading organists, will be giving her annual patron's concert on Friday, March 18, at Cookhill Village Hall, 7.30 for 8 pm.

Tickets are already selling fast at £3 for members and £4 for non-members. Thus, anyone interested in attending is urged to call Lyn or John Hearn on 893263 as soon as possible.

Penny will be performing on her top-of-the-range Yamaha EL900M electronic organ with a programme of music to satisfy all tastes.

In addition to her superb performing skills, Penny is an active writer of music, a music examiner and a regular columnist on a number of organ/keyboard magazines.

Penny complements her performance with a lovely personality and is sure to make the evening a very pleasant one for any music lover. Everyone is welcome but tickets , of course, are limited.