THE February meeting began on a sad note with the announcement of the sudden death of Irish Carney.

A member for many years, she became treasurer in 1998, a job at which she excelled. Irish was a good friend who always had a smile to welcome everyone.

She will be sadly missed, as will Lilian Austin a member for 30 years, only resigning through ill health shortly before her death.

Speaker Malcolm Perry gave a lively illustrated talk on unusual orchids.

The photography was excellent and interesting as the pictures included some rare plants. There was also a wide selection of plants for sale.

Next month, Ian Wright gives a talk on Orchids of North East India. Meetings are held at Arden School, Station Road, Knowle, on the first Saturday of the month at 2.30pm. This year's show will be on April 9, between 11am-4pm, also at Arden School, and marks the society's 40th anniversary.

The event features visiting society displays, talks, potting demonstrations and plants for sale.

For more details, call 01564 822897.