PROPOSALS which could have seen the old Megabowl site in Greenlands demolished and redeveloped have been recommended for refusal by planning officers.

Craypond Limited applied to Redditch Council to develop 131 apartments on the old bowling alley site off Greenlands Drive, which was closed five years ago.

Council planning officers said the site had been allocated for residential development in the Draft Local Plan, which is being formulated at the moment.

But they had serious concerns about the overall design and density of the plans.

They said the design would be too tall and in a highly visible location and therefore out of character.

It was also described as "over-intensive" development by officers, who also said open space around the flats would be inadequate.

However, the idea of building homes on the derelict site now seems acceptable to the council as long as there is a mix of housing types and it marries up with a new development on neighbouring land now being developed as flats.

Councillors were due to make a final decision last night.