SOME residents in Droitwich are calling for a Parish Poll about the Lido.

Knowing the legal rules I believe they should know the true costs and influence a poll has.

Parish Polls can only take place between 4 and 7pm, so those voting in national and county elections before then on the same day cannot take part.

As the electoral authority Wychavon can set a poll the day before or after other elections so voters tired of those can't be bothered to turn out twice. The poll has no authority over Wychavon so they will ignore it as they have others. If there is a low turn out they will use this to qualify demolition of the Lido on grounds a silent majority approve.

Droitwich Town Council, who have actively helped Lido supporters, will have to fund the £8,000 costs at the expense of other services. This leaves no fighting funds against other Wychavon schemes and is a kick in the teeth for those who do care about the Spa.

It weakens the power of Droitwich Spa and strengthens that of Wychavon. The wreckers in Evesham and Pershore will mock us!

If residents really want to send a shock wave through the smug indifference of Wychavon's cronies they should attend Droitwich Council's annual open town meeting on April 25 to call for a vote of no confidence in those local councillors disloyal to the Spa.

The publicity and embarrassment would hit the press and dent their future re-election chances. It may prompt a few long overdue resignations!

Mark R Heel

Burrish Street

Droitwich Spa