The March meeting was as usual our birthday meeting so members joined us from Dodford, Fairfield, and Sidemoor.

Brenda, our president, welcomed the visitors and thanked members for giving lots of Easter eggs for children of Chadsgrove School.

Betty gave the financial report, then afterwards mentioned members having birthdays. Bromsgrove WI is hosting the group meetings, so preparation for that is being carried out.

Many of our members enjoyed an evening out at the Prince of Wales restaurant in Hagley.

Brenda then introduced our speaker for the afternoon - Mr Russell who told us all about Noel Coward.

Betty gave the vote of thanks remembering many artists mentioned in the talk. As usual, in true WI style, everyone enjoyed a delicious tea during which a competition was organised. Raffle prizes were then distributed by Kate.

The next competition is for a homemade greetings card and the talk will be on three dimensional decoupage. Meetings are held in the Masonic Hall, Churchfields, at 2.15pm. Visitors are very welcome