IT is disappointing to see the HSBC ramp (design was approved by Wyre Forest District Council on November 21, 2002) has caused such controversy amongst Bewdley residents.

Whilst it is true that the ramp is occupying more space than is strictly necessary, due to its design, the tone of comments made by people who should know better is of a nature that arouses hostility and resentment towards disabled people by members of the public.

One comment was: "There is concern that someone in a drunken stupor may fall over it in the evening".

Disability Action (Wyre Forest) might have felt more impressed had more concern been expressed for the safety of a blind person, a wheelchair user or parent/guardian pushing a pushchair/buggy, trying to pass alongside it down the narrowed pavement when going about their day-to-day business.

It is reassuring to have the spokesperson for the HSBC bank state "the key point is we are not going to not have a ramp there." The bank is clearly aware of its duty under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 to make its premises accessible for disabled customers.

Having had 10 years notice, it is just sad some disabled customers will have to continue to be excluded from carrying out their business in the same way that non-disabled are able to do.

Nobody carries a guarantee of immunity from disability. Anyone can get up as an able-bodied person in the morning and be a disabled person by bedtime!

MARK LAWLEY (chairman)

EILEEN FOXALL (vice chairman)

Disability Action Wyre Forest

Burgage Lodge

Franche Road, Kidderminster