EATING nutritional school meals is just one way that Vale students are being encouraged to lead healthy lifestyles.

Worcestershire County Council believes food served in schools is just a small part of their programme to get children into good habits.

Officers have also established initiatives including breakfast clubs to ensure pupils start the day with a substantial meal.

The Five-a-Day scheme also offers healthy snacks to students during morning break by making daily deliveries of fresh fruit to primary schools.

Additionally, many schools have opted to run a voluntary fruit-only snacks system and encourage only water and milk to be drunk during the school day.

Cath Phillipson, the council's healthy schools co-ordinator, claims TV chef Jamie Oliver's recent campaign to improve school dinners has helped raise awareness among everyone. But she believes other factors are essential for healthy living.

She added: "Hot lunches are only a part of the school day and we work with schools to make sure all aspects of the Healthy Schools' programme are explored and worked on."

Regular exercise is another important feature emphasised with students and the council works in partnership with other bodies to encourage more physical activity outside school.

Ms Phillipson added: "A healthy body doesn't just rely on the food that fuels it, it's equally important that the fuel is burned off through active lifestyles.

"The emotional health of pupils is also vital. It's important schools have systems of support and a strong personal, social and health curriculum that teaches them about issues such as drink, drugs and relationships, all of which can have a profound effect on health."