April 15, 1905

ADA Hawkins, 3 Ipsley Street, was charged with assaulting Kate Melen on the 8th inst.

Complainant alleged that defendant, with another woman, came into her house and "set about" her as she sat in the chair. One of the women held her down and she could not defend herself, being a cripple.

She was kicked about the body and legs, bruised on the arms and her face was scratched and marked. The only reason witness assigned for the attack was that defendant's husband had swept her chimney, she arranged to give him no money, as he offered to sweep the chimney for the soot. Mrs Andrews corroborated.

Defendant said that complainant owed her husband 4d and had sneered about witness and her husband.

She handed particulars of the "sneer" in question, adding she had a baby in her arms at the time. She alleged that complainant was the aggressor.

Emma Hawkins corroborated.

The chair said defendant had no business to go into complainant's house and she would be fined 2s 6d and 14s 6d costs, allowed a week to pay.