I WAS one of the hundreds of local Droitwich Spa residents who packed themselves into the Community Hall to discuss having a Parish Poll on the disgraceful decision of Wychavon District Council to close and demolish our lido.

The strength of feeling was as strong if not even more determined than the previous two public meetings. What was very clear from the meetings is that this issue is not going to go away and Wychavon could yet see themselves facing a court action or an investigation by the Local Ombudsman on the way they have ignored local and democratic feelings, but the real anger must be directed to our so called local representatives - Pam Davey and Mike Barrett.

The did not say anything, nor vote, but other councillors present answered questions and made constructive comments.

The meeting was conducted in the most professional manner by SALT, even the Labour and Lib Dem Prospective Parliamentary Candidates had the courtesy to attend and listen to the debate, but our MP Peter Luff did not attend.

Well both he and his Conservative councillors may well be in for a shock of the night on May 5.

Mrs S Jancey

St Nicholas Street

Droitwich Spa