CONTROVERSIAL plans to extend the Kanes Foods site could be granted today amid massive opposition from residents across the Vale.

Wychavon District Council planning officers have recommended approval for the salad production facility - even though the Middle Littleton development contravenes current council policies.

Officers concluded the economic benefits of the scheme outweighed the effects of development in open countryside.

Six parish councils, including the Littletons, Badsey and Cleeve Prior, have raised concerns over the development.

Residents share their fears that the planned expansion would generate additional traffic and waste disposal problems.

Colin Emms, chairman of North and Middle Littleton Parish Council, said: "We understand Kanes is a business and it needs to expand but we seem to be paying a high price in the village, for which we don't get any real benefit."

Resident John Chadwick, of The Stables, Middle Littleton, said: "The thundering traffic of monster trucks passing two ways through South Littleton - often brought to a complete standstill by the resultant jams - would certainly not be allowed in several countries in Europe."

Kanes managing director John Randall said: "I'm convinced the extension is essential for the health of the company and the health of the horticultural industry in the Vale.

"We've fulfilled the promises the last time we made an application in 2000. We are well within the (traffic) limits and confident we will stay below the limits imposed by the council."

Permission is also subject to an agreed lorry routing scheme and contributions to any road improvements. If approved plans for the six-acre extension would be referred to the secretary of state for approval.

Gill Collin, Wychavon's head of planning, said: "Significant development proposals that don't comply with planning policies are referred to the secretary of state.

"This development is one that probably wouldn't be allowed in the open countryside.

"But the economic dependency of the company in the Vale of Evesham has to be taken into account."