WYRE Forest schools are nearing the completion of a review, instigated by Tony Blair's Government, that required 1,400 surplus places to be axed within the district. This will result in uncertainty for all those people involved in education at the current time, be they pupils, staff or parents.

Firstly, I see it as one of my most important jobs as MP to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum, so that the current generation of pupils do not lose out on their right to a good education, and staff's careers are not damaged.

Secondly, the schools review currently proposes a welcome investment of £160 million into the buildings of our schools. While £50 million of that comes from Worcestershire County Council, £110 million is due from the Government. However, the Government has stated that this money will not come until 2011. It is vital that the schools' reorganisation happens smoothly and quickly, and extending uncertainty for another six years is appalling. It will be my priority to ensure that Wyre Forest is recognised as a place of need by the Government and the capital is delivered quickly.

Thirdly, Worcestershire loses out on education funding per pupil. As a result of the Labour Government, Worcestershire's pupils now rank 33rd out of 34 in terms of funding per pupil, having fallen from 17th in 1997. The Government will freeze current funding levels for the next three years - Worcestershire will stay second bottom until 2008. I have assured Worcestershire Conservative MPs that I will support their "Fairer Funding for Worcestershire" campaign to ensure that our county's children no longer lose out - a campaign the Conservative Party in Westminster is committed to.

Because there could be Conservative Government after May 5, our national policy is important. As the Conservative candidate, I fully support the Conservative proposals for education.

Conservatives will give parents the right to choose the school they feel is best suited to their child's needs and surplus places will be built into the system to ensure this happens.

Conservatives believe school discipline is paramount to achieving a long-term increase in standards. We will return control over discipline to heads and governors, protecting teachers facing allegations of abuse, giving them anonymity until criminal charges are brought against them.

For excluded pupils, we will create turnaround schools. These will provide full-time education with a focus on behavioural improvement. This achieves two very important objectives. Pupils who want to study will not be disrupted by unruly pupils and those pupils who are disruptive will be given the best chance to receive a proper education, rather than finding themselves in temporary pupil referral units.

And Conservatives will tackle the menace of paperwork and target chasing that distracts too many teachers from doing what they want to do and were trained to do - teaching pupils.

For universities, we will scrap university tuition fees - cutting student debt by £9,000.

The future for education is bright under a Conservative Government.