HERE is new information about the times of the May fair on May 7. Because of other events in the hall on the evening of Friday, May 6, people are asked to bring their items to the Committee Room between 6 and 8pm and to enter by the back door from the car park, please.

To give more time for the setting up of the tables and general organising, the May fair will now run from 10am to 12.30pm on Saturday, May 7.

The parish website, operated by Alan and Matt Bennett for so long, has been taken on by Richard Lee-Buxton. It is a very exciting site and anyone can input information.

You can find it at If that doesn't work, try typing and select Wellington Heath.

The parish plan steering group will be putting information about progress on the parish website, as well as keeping you in touch through . Minutes of the Steering Group displayed at the Memorial Hall etc.