I have recently purchased a fairly expensive kite using my birthday money. Having waited a few months for the good weather and the kites to be in the shops, I managed to buy it in the Easter holidays in Devon on Saturday.

After learning to fly my new kite on the beach, with lots of other larger and smaller kites, surfers and people, all with no trouble, I couldn't wait to fly it on my local common when I got home.

However, it seems I shall be unable to fly my kite on the common because of the marauding dogs being 'walked', as not long after I had arrived on the common a dog ran up and ran-off with my kite!

I wasn't able to hang on to it, for fear of tearing my brand new and 'expensive' kite. It was very upsetting, frustrating and unacceptable, especially as the owner had no power over the dog to stop it. I want to be out in the fresh air and be able to use the common with my friends, just as the dog owners want to use the common too.

I find it annoying that dogs run after us while riding our bikes and run off with our ball when playing football and hockey. It is very frustrating. How would you feel if it was a child who ran off with a kite or ball? Would this be acceptable to the adult? So why, I ask, is it OK for the dogs?

Please all dog owners, walk your dogs responsibly.

'Aged 12', name and address supplied.