POLLY Parrott, Brer Rabbit, Anansi Spider and Ajapa the Tortoise are having a tea party in Malvern next week.

They'll be dressing up and are bound to playing tricks on each other in a show called Polly Put the Kettle On.

Blue Sky Theatre is staging the show, with puppets, storytelling and rhythms from Africa, South America and the Caribbean. The company is headed by top TV directors Mary and Glyn Edwards - Mary produced Saturday Swapshop and Glyn produced Tiswas on television. They formed their own company to return to live performance for children and have been creating original work since 1995.

They come to Malvern Theatres on Saturday, April 30 as part of its season of productions for children. Performances will be at 11am and 2pm. Call the box office for tickets on 01684 892277 or visit www.malvern-theatre.co.uk.