STATIONARY Tesco lorries are causing a danger to motorists driving into Evesham.

Drivers from the Vale are concerned about trucks visiting the store parking along Worcester Road often without their lights on.

Ken Tallis, owner of Abbey Butcher's in Pershore said: "I had four or five near misses when driving down that road.

"You get distracted with the glaring lights from the store as you drive along that you can so easily miss the big dark lorries parked there.

"I think it's only a matter of time before someone gets killed."

Jenny Sacre, press officer for Tesco's store, said: "We recently changed the design of the back of our store by bringing the gates forward, so lorries can fully fit in the unloading bay.

"However, we are aware that on occasions lorries do park on the road to wait for the unloading bay to become available.

"We have been talking to our distribution centre to try and make sure that only one lorry turns up at a time and we will ask for any parked lorries to keep their lights on," she said.