AFTER reading of our council's plans for another two loss-making park-and-ride schemes, I have to conclude that the people advocating park-and-ride don't have a clue what they are talking about.

In letter after letter, I have, for 10 years, comprehensively destroyed the case for park-and-ride.

Not once has anyone, even remotely associated with park-and-ride, argued against the facts I have presented.

Park-and-ride, as I have repeatedly shown, can never be made to work. And the council taxes spent upon it (£250,000 a year for Perdiswell) might just as well be poured down the drain, for all the good it does.

The latest lunacy is a park-and-ride site for Newtown Road, presumably to cater for all the development now "planned" for the site next to our hospital. I have a much better idea.

Instead of using that land to create more "office jobs," and traffic our roads cannot cope with,we should use the land to extend and expand our hospital to a size that will actually be able to cope with the demands being placed upon it.

