A MASSIVE swarm of 30,000 bees is still on the loose after alarming people in Pershore last Friday.

The owner of the swarm is appealing to Vale residents to help him recover his bees, which flew off from their hive in Nursery Close, Pershore last Thursday evening.

The next day witnesses caught sight of them buzzing about in the skies. They made an appearance at Wychavon District Council's offices at about 11am.

Anne-Marie Darroch, Wychavon's communications officer said: "The air looked thick with what looked like blossom. I panicked a bit as I didn't know what it was." After ten minutes she said she was relieved to find the swarm had moved on.

The owner of the honeybees said he could not explain why the insects suddenly left their hive for pastures new.

It was about 5pm after he heard a loud humming noise that they made their escape. They are valued at £100 and could have travelled in any direction.

The 49-year-old bee keeper suspects a new Queen was being produced, causing the existing one to buzz off, taking her loyal workers with her. They were given to the beekeeper by a fellow enthusiast about a year ago after he completed a ten-week course in bee-keeping.

Richard Bull, police press officer said although the whereabouts of the bees was not a police matter, the force had agreed to help owner trace them.