100 years ago

In today's issue, Mrs H A Acworth, The Benhams, Tibberton Road, appeals on behalf of the sufferers from the recent earthquake in Northern India. The locality is well-known to Mrs Acworth, for she resided at Dharmsala, which has been devastated, when a girl. There, an important event in her life, her marriage, took place. Malvern is never behind in its support of any worthy object, and the large sums that yearly are subscribed for missionary and other purposes are striking proof of this. Malvern Gazette, April 28, 1905.

We regret to announce that Mr John R Smith, of Homend Lodge, died suddenly on Tuesday afternoon. His health had been excellent and did not, of late, show any signs of failing. In fact, it might have been said to have been excellent. He was very systematic in his habits and to his love of exercise, no doubt, he owned his long life. Being hale and hearty only one hour or so previously, there was no reason for the family to be alarmed. Mr Smith was born in London, in 1819. Ledbury Free Press, May 2, 1905.

50 years ago

Castlemorton Parish Council last week decided to accept the revised offer from the War Department Estates Office, in Shrewsbury, in settlement of damage caused to the common caused by the 267 (Worcs.) Field Regt RA (TA) during their training last year. The council will arrange to carry out the necessary work of filling in the deep ruts as soon as possible. The chairman (Mr B Weaver), and other members, complained about caravans on the common. Mr L Bunn said there had been quite a colony of them by Holly Bush one weekend, and the common was disfigured by unsightly washing hung out on Sundays. Malvern Gazette, April 29, 1955.

A now forgotten, but once famed bare-fist fighter who recalled with pride the fabulous prize-fighters Jem Mace, Gentleman Jim Corbett and Bob Fitzsimmons, is now lying seriously ill on a sack-cloth bed in a barn at Fromes Hill, near Ledbury. Speaking in a hoarse whisper, he said that sometimes there is three inches of water in the barn. Jim McCarthy, as he was known in his fighting days, was once the idol of thousands. Ledbury Reporter. April 29, 1955.