IN his column of Saturday April 9, John Phillpott writes that hawks are beautiful creatures and should be left in peace.

Pigeon fanciers welcome conservation, but it should be balanced. Contrary to John's comments, peregrines do not take a "few off-form racing pigeons". Eighty five per cent of a peregrine's diet is racing pigeons (source Dr D Ratcliffe) and, with the speed that they attack, the peregrine is not discriminatory.

However, it is not just the loss of one bird from a flock of racing pigeons because the rest of the kit go to ground and lose their homing instincts.

Sparrowhawks take our racing pigeons from our own gardens and sometimes even enter the loft. Is it fair that we cannot even protect our own property on our own property?

Sparrowhawk numbers now total some 120,000 (Source RSPB) and they consume two to three songbirds a day. At a conservative county that equates to 87 million songbirds a year.

Our songbirds too, are beautiful creatures. But if John and the other misguided protectionists have their way there will not be any songbirds left.


General Manager,

The Royal Pigeon Racing Association,
