IDEAS came thick and fast when two special workshops were held to help Bromsgrove housing chiefs shape up for the future.

Seventy five representatives from a wide range of groups attended the two sessions, held at the Council House, to air their views.

There were tenants and other organisations involved with housing matters

Andy Coel, Bromsgrove District Council's head of strategic housing, said: "We were delighted with the enthusiasm shown by everyone who attended. This is a great start in developing ideas before we put pen to paper in writing the new housing strategy."

One of the guest speakers was Pat Brandum, from the West Mercia Housing Group. He spoke about choice base lettings, which is a government initiative giving applicants for social housing a wider choice of where they live.

John Gittins, from the North Worcestershire Care and Repair Service, made a presentation on this newly-formed service, which is now available to help private sector residents in the district.

Housing policy and research officer Amanda Glennie said: "We are still open to receiving suggestions as to how we should go about meeting housing needs and identify priority issues for action."

Anyone wishing to put forward suggestions should contact Amanda either by letter at the Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove B60 1AA. Or call her on 01527 881269 or e-mail a.glennie@
