A SIMPLE slice of Tudor life with a twist will be presented this month as The Clink comes to Malvern Theatres.

Like Black Adder and Shakespeare in Love, the play shows the audience history from a modern perspective and is a comical tale of Queens, bishops, alchemists, beggar and unruly daughters.

It is written by award-winning playwright Stephen Jeffreys and directed by Lee Farley, with costume design by Cheryl White - a final-year student at Worcester College of Technology's school of art and design. The show, by Malvern Theatre Players, marks the final production in the group's 28th year of residency at the theatres and also signals the start of a season of Elizabethan drama for them.

The season will include a series of period workshops and a full-scale production of a play of the period presented in November using a representation of a Tudor stage.

The Clink is on from Wednesday, May 18 and runs until Saturday, May 21.