THE deep south comes to the Malvern Hills this month as a production of Tennessee Williams' play Something Unspoken is staged in Colwall.

It is being performed by the Colwall Players, directed by Marie-Louise Doherty, at Colwall Village Hall from Thursday, May 26, to Saturday, May 28.

The play is set in the American south during the 1940s and focuses on the wealthy Miss Cornelia Scott and Grace, her companion of 15 years, who manoeuvre delicately as the vote for the next regent of the local chapter of The Confederate Daughters hangs in the balance.

The play will be staged

with World Premiere by Charles Mander, directed by Anna Byers.

It centres on an amateur drama company arriving at a festival to find no set on stage, with ensuing snapshots of the individuals' reactions to the calamity.

Shows start at 7.30pm, with

a hot dinner served during the interval.

Advance booking is essential, with tickets, priced £10, available from John Goodwin Estate Agents on 01684 540300.