WORCESTERSHIRE folk have a thirst for water a new survey carried out to mark National Mineral Water Week has revealed.

The study was undertaken by TNS Phonebus at the start of last month and revealed that nearly one in three people in the West Midlands drinks enough water.

It also highlighted that nearly every person questioned (98 per cent) knows water is the best drink for the body.

However, the survey also shows that 16 per cent of people drink eight or more glasses of water daily and 30 per cent drink six glasses of water or more - both figures being lower than the national average.

Ian Hall, chairman of the Natural Mineral Water Association, said the research showed that more and more people recognised the health benefits of water.

"These findings are borne out by the continuous growth in sales of bottled water over the past few years," he added.

"In the UK we now consume 1.1 billion litres of bottled water, but that it still way below typical European levels."

More information on the benefits of drinking water can be found at: www.naturalmineralwater.org